The Placemaking Project- Sacred Keepers Sustainabiity Lab

This Happy Habitat is Part of the Bronzeville Monarch Network Initiative, continuing the Story of the Migration.

The Project: Build a temporary landscape of planters and public art to serve as infill for the street-wall disrupted by the currently vacant properties spanning hundreds of feet along the 47th Street Retail Corridor.

Placemaking and Urban design
  • Legibility
  • Linkage
  • Continuity
  • Enclosure
  • Activation

A variation of size, scale and artwork will enhance the pedestrian experience along the corridor and offers opportunities for collaboration.

Other Project Advantages
  • 100% Moveable if Lots are Purchased
  • Year-round Maintenance by Sacred Keepers
  • Small Scale - Big Impact
  • Seasonal/Changeable
Successful place making is always presenting itself to the public and encouraging pedestrian activity. Whether open or closed, a place that is a consistently interesting and active presence to the street promotes more pedestrian activity and creates the public perception that the place is safer and more animated. More pedestrians mean more prospective customers on the street to support more small businesses." ArtPlace

Funded in part by Special Services Area (SSA) Is a well established economic development tool used to support initiatives like street cleaning, landscaping, place-making, community branding, retail attraction and area marketing. If your business is located on 47th Street between Lake Park Avenue and State Street or on Cottage Grove Avenue between 39th Street and 51st Street, you fall within an SSA boundary.

Quad Communities Development Corporation NBDC

QCDC's mission is to convene residents, organizations, businesses, and institutions within the Quad Communities to plan, guide, support, and monitor human infrastructure and community development activities that will create a sustainable, healthy, mixed-income, neighborhood.

Supported by Alderman of the 3rd Ward,
Pat Dowell 5046 South State Street,
Chicago Il 60609
