Our Black is Beautiful Exhibition of New Works at Gallery Guichard

We are excited about our new exhibit and Virtual Exhibit Catalog (VEC) # 16, Gallery Guichard
Art District Art Tour. 7-10 pm!
Medium: Acrylic Glaze on paper, Gold Leaf, Gold metallic ink, Collage on foam board

Artwork Label Information:
Title: Vibrational Sound Narrative "Wind Synthesizer"
Artist Name: Alpha Bruton
Dimensions: 30” x 42” x ¾”
Retail Price: $1500

 A collage is an artistic composition of various materials (such as paper, cloth, or wood) glued on a surface. Some artists cut pictures from magazines to make a collage. I have taught this type of collage work to students in various workshops over the years. These outcomes are lovely. I have started to manipulate and cut my studies to make a composition. After ten years of wondering how I would present these studies, I have now decided to have fun and just go with the feeling that happens when I'm communicating with the work.

Black Rock Ensemble, 
Nicole Mitchell, 
Chicago Cultural Center – 

"Per Aki Homeland" at 
Elastic Arts 
artist Kent Kessler/Fred Lonbertholm
Brown Rice 
artist Steve Hirsh, Joel Wanek

Vibration Sound Narratives was a five-year exploration of various musicians: jazz, improvisational jazz, creative music, electric music, and alternative sound, where she created over 1,000 archived abstract sketches in response to the sound streams of musicians. This was a visual transcription-recording of what she was feeling, hearing, and seeing during these performances. Vibration Sound Narratives are a comprehensive system of patterns or vibrations that teach our bodies at all levels how to have a new experience. They activate a practice similar to "Vi-bra Keys" associated with sound, shape, and image in the context of emotional response and unlock visual-spatial intelligence in the artists among us, who think in pictures.

I cut and manipulated the original studies in the college to make this narrative, added gold leaf, and used metallic ink to raise the forms and create shadows.